Who Owns Democracy?: The Real Deep State and the Struggle Over Class and Caste in America.”
Coming From Left Field podcast published November 25, 2024
Warm Greetings All,
In this podcast, we talk with Charles Derber and Yale Magrass about their book, “Who Owns Democracy?: The Real Deep State and the Struggle Over Class and Caste in America.” The authors explore the idea that a deep state of economic elites heavily influences American democracy. They argue that this "deeper state" is composed of powerful class and caste-based interests that have manipulated the political system to maintain their dominance.
In this conversation, the four of us delve into the recent election, the history of American democracy, the persistent struggle between democratic ideals and the interests of the ruling class, and how genuine deep state entrenched power structures thwart democracy. We all got along, agreed, disagreed, and could have talked for hours.
Our guests are top-shelf academics:
Charles Derber is a Professor of Sociology at Boston College and has written 26 books on politics, democracy, fascism, corporations, capitalism, climate change, war, culture wars, and social change.
Yale Magrass is a Chancellor Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. He is the author/coauthor of nine books, most co-authored with Charles Derber, and eighty articles. His work focuses on how militaristic capitalism distorts everyday life as it promotes inequality, bullying, environmental devastation, and war.
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One final thought:
The US News and World Report posted an article today, “All the President’s Billionaires: The Extraordinary Wealth in Trump’s Proposed Administration.” Who owns democracy? Not you.
Peace to you all,