“Minneapolis Reckoning- Race, Violence & the Politics of Policing in America” with Michelle Phelps
Coming From Left Field podcast published January 15, 2025
Warm Greetings All,
Greg and I interviewed Dr. Michelle Phelps, a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on the sociology of punishment, particularly the rise of probation supervision as a criminal justice sanction and its relationship to mass incarceration. Her book, “Minneapolis Reckoning- Race, Violence & the Politics of Policing in America,” changed how I think about the connection between law enforcement and our communities, especially since the George Floyd incident (which occurred in her city). It is comprehensively researched and empathically delivered. It reveals how bureaucratic mechanisms and self-interests make police reform both difficult and necessary.
As I mentioned in the podcast, my extended family is overrepresented by those who work in law enforcement; police chiefs, sergeants, patrol officers, and even instructors at the police academy. I hear their casual conversations of encounters on a typical day at work that will make one’s heart race. Most of their interactions are in environments where racial disparity, income inequity, zombie drugs, and violence are present. All while society does little to resolve the underlying structural tensions and economic hellscape that contribute to problems in the community.
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Michelle is a top-notch academic, and I look forward to following her career. Unfortunately, sometimes, when I am excited about a guest, I talk too much….I will try to work on that.